Saturday 20 June 2009

The naming of Resonata Consulting.

Many people have asked us about the name so please feel free to find out more here!

How did we get to the name?

We had a number of initial conversations surrounding MI or IM (using first name initials) but we quickly realised this would not necessarily help us build a brand and we wanted a name that would:

a) stand out

b) be memorable

c) incorporate data

d) have an international feel

e) use consulting or consultancy

a) Standing out and b) being memorable

Resonata stands out from the crowd because although it has a familiar feel to it (resonate or resonating) it also incorporates data and when you see that resonate is brought together with data it immediately gives you a connection of resonating with data, therefore it stands out, speaks softly yet firmly and ultimately is memorable to others.

c) incorporating data

Many branding experts, consultants and our advisers have consistently told us that our brand/company name must incorporate the term data – because that is what we are all about. We struggled at first to incorporate it but by being able to have the word within the name allows our audience to automatically connect with it.

d) have an international feel

Because both directors have travelled extensively (Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, Central America, and South America), speak a number of different languages (English, Dutch, Spanish, French and German) and have both lived and worked abroad in various parts of the world (Germany, Mexico, France,Spain, Holland, Malaysia, Switzerland and the UK). We felt that our company name/brand needed to reflect our international experience and by using a name that sounds Spanish in nature. Because the word resonata was created by us it has an individual feel and it is a word that should have no cultural barriers.

e) Use consulting or consultancy

Resonata Consulting had to have consulting or consultancy within the company name because we consult with clients rather than tell clients what to do or listen to clients and then do the opposite.

We wanted to our company name to reflect the values of our company: “Building on existing knowledge and processes but more importantly resonating as in being in agreement with and listening to client needs rather than simply giving them what we think they want or what is easily available”

Resonata also comes from

RESearch ON dATA

Which specifies what we do.

The consulting was added to give a consultancy feel to the business and naming it as a business rather than simply a scientific or vocal concept.

Resonating Data ie Resonating clients data needs

What does it mean to us

Resonating clients needs, if we were in the situation ourselves this is how we would want to be treated not as another faceless client. So the name means that we do what clients want, not what we think they want, hence resonating client needs and consulting on those.


  1. How long did it take to come up with the name?

  2. The name was a process, not a long one but it was certainly not done in a couple of days, a lot of research went into it. But total around 2 weeks or perhaps slightly less.
